We will take care of
your kids

Picnics: Nature is an integral part of all our lives, and there is no better and fun way to learn about the true essence of nature than a picnic. The warm feeling of togetherness and a day full of fun filled activities is great method to make the children learn about the importance of being outside and being a part of it.

Field trips: Field trips are the most dimensional way of making a child learn observation skills and immerse in sensory activities. Field trips not only develop the creative aspect in the children, but also make them learn about the society and community that we live in.

Brainstorming sessions: Brainstorming sessions are the most wide and open arena for a child to make the most of what he or she has learnt. It invites children to take up an idea, think about it, use it in different ways and apply is effectively. It also enhances their oratory and receptive skills as and when they present their ideas, hence improving their vocabulary.

Sports& fitness day: The values of “all work and no play, makes jack a dull boy” should be imbibed in children from their youngest days. Involving children in sports and fitness from a young age not only keeps their mental health in check, but also keeps them fit and active. They also get to learn certain “outside the books” values such as teamwork, resourcefulness and discipline.

Thematic celebration every month: Thematic celebrations are one of the best for integrating content ideas. It is a creative in-depth learning experience where children discover new things.

Music class: Music kindles some of the most important skills for child development such as motor skills, social and emotional intelligence, and language. Exposing children to music makes them more susceptible to grasp meaning of words and sounds.

Dance class: Dancing not only makes children pumped and happy, but also it is a great physical exercise. It improves the overall physical health of the child, improves posture, and makes them better at balancing and coordination.


Our Babysitters

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Bina ma’am


Garvita mitesh patel


Our expert sitters know how to take care of your child, and will be happy to assist you while you’re gone or busy.


Childcare Services

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  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
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  • Exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex
  • Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in
  • Voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat
Working Hours
  • Mon-Fri:10am – 4.30pm
  • Sat:9.30am – 3.00pm
  • Sun:10.00 am – 3.00pm
  • Public Holidays:as advertised
contact us

What our Happy Parents Say

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I will definitely recommend this agency to everyone I know. Any parent can be certain that their babies will be safe and looked after by these teachers and babysitters.

Vanessa Lewis

Vanessa Lewis


It’s very important for a mother to have a back-up plan in case you need to leave for work unexpectedly or go on a business trip, and you need to leave your kids with someone.

Mary Walker

Mary Walker


This is the best agency with such a wide variety of child care programs and services, and all of them are perfectly planned. I love their animated website, and the staff is really amazing.

Linda Jones

Linda Jones
